How To Fall In Love And Stay In Love Here is how to fall in love. You may not think that you want to fall in love again if you have fallen in love with someone who fell out of love with you. There is a saying that “the truth hurts” and it does, just not in the way most people think. To see the truth is to fall in love with it and to see how the truth loves you right back. Understand that sometimes there is nothing you can do to make a relationship into the beautiful connection that you want it to be. It takes two. If you feel like a failure because the other person did not come through for you, you make another person responsible for your success; but your success is truly and entirely up to you. When you count on someone else for your success you are bound to be perceived by that other person as overly controlling. When the relationship is not matching your desires you will harshly criticize your partner with a condescending, condemning attitude, expressing feelings that express what a worthless human being and complete imbecile, if not evil destroyer, that person is. Once you accept that it is not your responsibility to change the other person, and realize that struggling against that other person to do so only diverts your power to create the relationship you want, you lose the need to harshly criticize or attack the worth of anyone. Plato said that the truth about anyone is always good and beautiful. If it’s not good and beautiful it simply isn’t true. This gives us a good formula for a good relationship. How you see the other person, how you see yourself, and how you see the relationship is good and beautiful or your perspective is off. Look for the good and for the beauty and you will find it, and find the truth in that discovery. Even when your relationship breaks up, look for the good and beauty in what was and look for the good and beauty in what is. Face the truth. Don’t worry, it will not hurt too much. It will fill your heart to bursting, perhaps, but as much as that hurts it is beautiful. When a relationship doesn’t work out the way you want it to that doesn’t mean that it isn’t working out in a really good and beautiful way for you. Your ex partner doesn’t want to connect with you the way you want to be connected with? How can that be good for you? Where is the beauty in that. The good can be in the opportunity you now have to lose your false dependency on others for your success. You never need the cooperation of someone who chooses not to give it. If you think you do, you lose your power to succeed. You live in a universe of infinite abundance. You see that when you look up at a starry night. You will find the person right for you when you let go of the person wrong for you. The beauty of the relationship you want not working out is in the heart break you go through. Love is a beautiful thing, and maybe most beautiful when it is unrequited. The song in your heart is melancholy, but it’s still a song, even if it sounds like a dirge at times. It’s beautiful to love, sometimes heartbreakingly beautiful. A broken heart is simply a heart too full of love to contain it all, so it breaks open to let the flood flow. Live in the beautiful feeling of loss no matter how much it hurts. You are growing into a more loving person. That is the good of it. Practice looking for the good and the beauty in everything and in everyone and you will fall in love and stay in love. 
For loving relationship mentoring, to rescue a relationship that's been suferringng from unhealthy conflict patterns for years, for family help when a relationship in conflict is causing problems for the children, call 770-354-9580 or email Bob directly today. Inspirational key note speaker and motivational seminar leader, relationship-resurrection coach and mentor Bob Lancer will uplift you or your audience with relationship wisdom, parenting wisdom and life-success wisdom that dissolves barriers to triumph. For a motivational seminar, inspiring key note, regernative retreat, or individual counselling session that lifts off the limits call 770-354-9580 or email Bob today. |