You Create Your Destiny You create your destiny. When you feel dependent upon what someone else might do to you, when feel trapped by another person’s power over you, you are creating that. In other words, you are using your power in a way that gives your power away. You are creating a destiny you do not want. To the extent that you are unconsciously creating your destiny your destiny seems out of your control. The next time you feel resentful of another abusing power over you, remember that you create your destiny. You have to give that person power over you for that person to have that power. As long as you feel yourself to be under another’s power you are using the power to determine that humiliating destiny. What do you intend for your destiny? What do you intend for your future? Do you know what you really want? Maybe all you really want is to know that you are the creator of your own destiny, that you have the power to direct your destiny wherever you want it to go. When you know you have that power you turn insecurity into inner security. You know inner peace. You not only have the power to direct your destiny, you are always using it. You determine what happens to you. Remember that. You don’t have to know exactly what you want, just know that the power to achieve it or receive it is yours. Your destiny is determined by what you do with your power to determine it. Your destiny is your creation. Notice how you are feeling right now. Direct your attention to the feeling in your body. What you are feeling is your power. That power is the power to direct your destiny. If you imagine that you don’t have enough power to direct your destiny into the destiny you desire you are using your power to limit your power. Using your power to direct your destiny for the destiny you want begins with designing your thought to match the experience you want. If you think of your power as inadequate, that becomes your experience. If you trust your power to be entirely adequate to achieve what you want, that becomes your experience. To direct your thought is to direct your experience. To direct your experience is to direct your destiny. The next time you find yourself worrying about another’s power over you, take your attention off of the thought of that other doing this or that to hurt you and redirect it onto the direct, conscious experience of your power, of your feelings, in your body. It can help to affirm to yourself, “I am the creator of my destiny. I have the power to direct my destiny.” Say this over and over again, trying to feel the truth of it, to help you to avoid thinking of someone else with that power. Every thought you think directs your power. When you think of another having power over you, that is what you are creating with your power. When you think of yourself as the creator of your destiny, as possessing the power to create any destiny that you desire, you empower yourself to do just that and you feel happy and free. Instead of thinking about how others can hurt you, hold you back or limit what you can do, think of yourself as having the power to achieve whatever it is that you desire. Ultimately you desire nothing more than knowing that. You desire nothing more than to be what you already are: the possessor of the power to create your destiny as you desire it to be. 
Bob Lancer is an inspirational speaker and life-coach/wisdom-mentor presenting transformational programs around the world, inspiring hearts, lifting spirits and opening minds to the greater possibilities of their lives. To bring Bob to your location to shift perspectives for higher, happier achievement in all areas of life, call 770-364-9580 or click here to email. Bob's motivational seminars and inspiring keynotes are perfect for businesses, schools, personal / spiritual growth centers, nonprofits, and conferences and conventions of all kinds. |